In Which Our Hero Returns from His “Never Ending Odyssey”: News, New Plans and Old

I returned from an eight-day workshop in Manchester, New Hampshire. I had a terrific, awesome time, learned about writing and met new friends. In the process, I (your likeable protagonist) have changed some goals at the end of Act Two and kept some old ones. After talking with Jeanne Cavelos, overlord extraordinaire, I decided not to publish Fell Winter on e-readers. I plan on seeking out a trade publisher who can help me with marketing (a skill I sorely lack). It’s hard to stand out in such a saturated marketplace.

I will, however, publish a serial story for Kindle, Kobo, and Nook. I plan to sell each 3000-5000 word episode for $1.99. I will publish a new episode every month.

In the meantime, I plan to write short stories and submit them to magazines. Eventually, I hope to join SFWA. Watch this space for the serial, and, if the winds of fortune carry me alack, some new publications.

Interview with author Robert E. Keller

Robert E. Keller is an online acquaintance of mine. He is a member of Codex, a group of neo-professional SFF writers that includes yours truly. Robert’s novels on Amazon Kindle are selling very well, and he has amassed many short story sales to magazines, including professional ones. His literary interests tend toward epic fantasy. Robert’s Internet dwelling-place is

The interview follows the break.

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