The next episode – Enchanted Forest #4

Even in Varda, people take time to celebrate the dark, frightening aspects of existence. In time for Halloween, here is the fourth episode of the Enchanted Forest series, “Hagflight.”


Ep. 4: Hagflight

The festival of All Hallows comes to Kalamar. Norgs don masks to honor Dibbhal, the Bogey Man. Meanwhile, Pirosha’s friend Imowyn notices the full moon, shining bright.

She promptly informs him that whenever All Hallows and a full moon coincide, a fascinating astrological event called the Hagflight can be seen in the sky from the top of Mount Doogan. But bogeys, malevolent spirits from the dark side of Faerie, stalk the shadowy path that leads to it.

“Episode 5: Invasion” and the omnibus will arrive in November.